Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ugh, I totally never caught up on last week. I wanted to blog about Xander's first trip to the zoo on saturday, but now that's been two weeks ago. Eh, I'll tell you all a little about it anyway. It really wasn't much special, but I wanted to be sure we took him to do something fun and centered around him before Ethan gets here. So we took a break from working on the baby's room, and cleaning and laundry and all that jazz and we went. Xander had a blast, but the heat was horrible and storms started rolling in so we had to leave after about 2 hours and we never did manage to find the monkeys. That made me a little sad case it was one of the main reasons I took him, but he loved the lions so all in all it was a good trip! We got back to the car just in time for him to catch a good nap on the way home and the storm started seconds after we got in the car. We'll have to go back another day and find those monkeys, maybe in the fall we'll take the boys back. I can't believe Xander didn't ever get to go to the zoo until after he was a year old, it's something we had been taking about since he was just a few weeks old. Time just gets away from us sometimes. And speaking of time, there are about a dozen things I want to blog about right now, but it's dinner time so I have to run!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'm so bad at this.

It's been forever since I bothered to post. I'm telling ya, it seemed like a great idea at the time to start a blog but this is just so hard to keep up with. What's worse is that Ethan isn't even here yet and I'm already not being able to find the time to keep up.

So anyway, last weekend (6/6) we went to go try to meet Rob Dydrek. He was signing autographs at the Lynhaven mall, and then he went to Costal Edge skate shop in VA Beach. We had some yardsales to hit before we went to meet him (I got a bassinet for $10, definately the highlight of my day, lol) and when we got to the mall we decided the line was way too long so we'd just head to the skate shope early. He wasn't set to arrive there until 3pm, we arrived in town around 12:30, and the line wasn't too bad. Unfortunately parking was impossible and by the time we spent 30 minutes looking for a spot (we ended up parked 4 blocks away) the line was much longer. Long story short, we spent 5 1/2 hours waiting in the heat, security sucked and there were alot of line jumpers, so we never made it to the front of the line to get our autographs, which was sad cause Ed was really dissapointed and I felt bad but I just couldn't take the heat, or hold my pee, anymore. He did get close enough to get a couple of pictures tho.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I'm Your Biggest Fan!

So I haven't blogged in awhile. Nobody is reading me anyway, so it really isn't a big deal, but I was really trying to make this a daily thing. Turns out maybe summer wasn't the best time to start a blog, I've just been too busy! We went home for the weekend and then things have been so crazy since we got back I've barely been near the computer at all. Today I logged in to find that the Spongebob Squarepants Ceiling Fan I bought for Xander has arrived at Wal-mart! YAY! Ed is picking it up now, along with the stuff he needs from Lowes to get working on Ethan's room. I need to order Xander's bed soon too, he's getting the Spongebob room in a box. I just realized today that I'm 32 1/2 weeks preggo, holy crap where did the time go?? I've never been more than 37 weeks, so I'm suddenly very nervous that I keep putting off all the things that MUST be done before Ethan gets here because, hey, we have a pool and it's frickin' hot out. I really need to put my foot down and insist that stuff gets done, but it's just so hard!

On another note, I just found out that pro skater Rob Dyrdek is coming to town this weekend. He'll be at the Lynhaven mall on saturday, and what kind of wife would I be if I didn't let Ed go? A smart wife, but not a very popular one I'm afraid. Ah well, maybe I can use this as motivation/bribery to get some stuff done around here this week, lol. I honestly would love to go meet the guy, but I'd also love to see my nursery finished.