We got our pool set up today! Nothing to big, just one of those quickset pools. I'm not even sure of the dimensions but it's a huge improvement over the kiddie pools we've had for the last few years. Living in navy housing has meant that any pools we had, had to be dumped out every night. Now that we own our house, we are excited to have a "real" pool. Xander loved it, my little Pisces boy loves the water, he would live in the bathtub if I would let him. Even tho the water was almost too cold for me he didn't complain. I can't wait for tomorrow, when it will actually be full, and hopefully a little warmer.
Ed is home on a 4 day weekend and I'm trying to get him to spend some quality time with me and Xander. Of course, he has other ideas. He installed a new hard drive on my computer yesterday, my old one was only 80gb, this one is 320gb. He also got me a copy of Windows 7, so no more Vista, Hooray! However, I'm convinced this was all an evil plot to distract me from the fact that he just bought himself new toys, and plans on doing "yard work" for most of the weekend. I wouldn't mind so much if it was stuff that actually needed to be done, like mowing the lawn. I really don't think that's the case tho, he bought himself a weed wacker and a hedge trimmer and this saw thing on a long pole to trim trees. Every tree in my yard is in danger of being "trimmed" now. Not because they need it, but because I asked him to take us to the zoo tomorrow, play with us in the pool a little, and most importantly, start work on Ethan's room. I'm somehow sure that the new hard drive, as nice as a gesture as it seems, is only supposed to keep me too busy to complain if nothing on my honey-do list gets done. After all, I'm now busy re-installing all my programs. He thinks he's sneaky, but I haven't forgotten. Only time will tell, I mean at the rate he's going there won't be any trees left by Sunday, so maybe I can get at least one day of work on Ethan's room out of him this weekend. I can hope anyway!
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